School Fees Structure

Registration Fee: The school admission fee is paid once and is Tsh. 100, 000/=
Interview Fee: The interview fee will be at the cost of 30, 000/=

The school fees can be paid in four installments 

  • 1st installment is paid at the beginning of January
  • 2nd installment is paid at the beginning of April
  • 3rd installment is paid at the beginning of July
  • 4th installment is paid at the beginning of October

School (tuition) fees

The school fees can be paid in three options

Option 1: As installments (Four installments)

  • 1st installment is paid at the beginning of January
  • 2nd installment is paid at the beginning of April
  • 3rd installment is paid at the beginning of July
  • 4th installment is paid at the beginning of October

Option 2: Per term (Six months together)
Option 3: Per year (Annually)


Mode of Payment

The school fees can be paid through

  • Bank
  • NMB Mobile
  • Tigo Pesa

Option 1: Through Bank

Account NameSufa School Company LtdSufa School Company Ltd
Account Number23410004943200207000068

Option 2: Through Tigo Pesa

  • Dial *150*01# to get your Tigo Pesa Menu
  • Select 4 for “Payment” on your Tigo Pesa Menu
  • Select 3 for “Pay companies”
  • Choose 2 for “Enter Business Number”
  • Enter business number “417155”
  • Enter your reference number “admission number of the student”
  • Enter the amount you want to pay “100,000”
  • The customer confirms the details and enter the Pin

Payment Details

  • Business Number: “417155”
  • Company Name: “SUFA Schools”
  • Amount 100,000
  • Enter PIN to confirm
  • The customer receives a confirmation message from Tigo Pesa